I'm only on the computer this early because I had to do some online HR stuff for work since I won't be going back for a few weeks, but it's just my luck that the site is down or something.
The birth story is pretty simple - a LONG labor phase and a VERY SHORT pushing phase. In comparison to my previous labors, I was somewhat dissappointed in how his birth unfolded, and I have a good instinct to know it was at the hands of my doctor - appropriately, she is the one I have ALWAYS disliked, and now I have even more reason to dislike her. :(
So, the contractions really started around 11:30, after she did the internal exam. For the next 4 hours, I was in the car with my mom running errands to make sure we were all set to give birth to this child that night. At times I wondered if it really was the real thing, like when I went 30 minutes without a single contraction, but that was the one and only time it happened... the rest of the contractions came fairly consistently.
I do not have my contraction timing list handy at the moment, but I believe it was around 6:00 that I noticed I had likely hit the active phase of labor. So, I decided to get the tub ready, since in my past experience, active phase and transition phase weren't too far away from each other! For the next hour, I just sat and enjoyed the water, but the contractions stayed right around 6-10 minutes apart, even seemed to slow, compared to the 3-5 minute contractions I was having previously. So, I decided to get out of the tub and walk around.
The moment my foot hit the floor, the contractions went back to 3-5 minutes. I labored with the family for the next hour or so. Once they started to get closer and a lot stronger, I moved to the bedroom to be alone (with Shane) and switched back and forth from lying on the bed to kneeling on the edge of the bed, working through the contractions.
Then I decided it was tub time again, and that's where I stayed for the next 2 1/2 hours, until he was born. I spent most of my time either squatting, or in some form of all fours, but I'd say I did spend about 15 minutes just sitting, reclined against the tub. The all fours position was the most 'comfortable' and was how he was born.
OMG the contractions hurt SO BAD! I reached up a few times to see if I could feel anything - granted, I'd never done a cervical exam, so I had NO CLUE what I was feeling for - but I knew my finger went pretty far up before it found anything and I started to get discouraged. The moment I got in the tub, I pretty much began pushing with each contraction. Not the 'Oh I've got to get this baby out NOW' kind of pushing, but just trying to work him down, down, down.
That bearing down lasted for a good 2 hours. I was starting to get SO exhausted, but the contractions were SO PAINFUL, I felt I HAD to keep up with the light pushing. Shane was asking if maybe I should get out and walk around, but that was the last thing I wanted to do. I was honestly beginning to question whether I had the strength to do it, and maybe I would need to go to the hospital. I never verbalized it, but I sure thought it. Then, around 11:00 we got some bloody show. YAY! And it was quite a bit, so I was absolutely relieved to know we were making progress. I did more bearing down, and finally at about 11:20, my water broke! Even more progress!
I had about two more contractions, then I felt his head was ready to come out and the full-on urge to push hit me immediately. If I remember correctly, he was born in two contractions. The second to last contraction I yelled to Shane that the head was coming out and I pushed and pushed and pushed. The last contraction came almost right on top of that one, and out came the head... in this same contraction, with Shane's urging, I continued to push, and with a burst of about 3-4 more pushes, he came out the rest of the way.
I did A LOT of moaning and groaning, and with the delivery of his head and body, I did A LOT of screaming. LOL. I had hoped that being on my hands and knees would make for an easier (and by that, I mean more 'pain-free') birth, but it wasn't so. :) This was, by far, the most painful birth I've experienced yet, and I do attribute that to the actions of my doctor.
The placenta took about 90 minutes to come out on its own, so that kind of made things a bit challenging. I think it was probably ready to come quite awhile before that, but I had never delivered a placenta spontaneously before, so I didn't quite know what to do. At least I'll know for next time. :)
All-in-all, it was a WONDERFUL experience, so do not let my full account of events destroy the miracle of the entire event. Shane got to catch his baby boy, cut the umbilical cord, give him his first bath, and cuddle him while I waited for the placenta. I nursed him in the tub a good 10 minutes after birth and he latched on with no problems! After his bath, Shane gave him back to me so I could use the breastfeeding to urge the placenta out and he latched right on to the other boobie. Since he was born, he's fed from both breasts 3 times, for a total of 6 feedings. He's been asleep now for about an hour and will probably be ready to feed again soon. I felt him make his first poopy, so he'll need a new diaper soon also. He's actually stirring as I type.
So, the stats:
Lathel Shane Priest, Jr.
Born on Monday, February 23rd (he shares a birthday with the only other grandson on Shane's side of the family!)
Born at 11:34 pm
Weighing in at 8 lbs, 3 oz
20" long
He was the EARLIEST baby I've given birth to, yet he's the HEAVIEST! Imagine if I'd gone full-term. Yikes. ;)
At this moment, the SD card is in the camera and I really do not feel like getting up. Once everyone else wakes up and starts admiring him, I'll get some free time to do a quick photo post.
p.s. We did record the last hour or so? of the birth. When I find a way to transfer the video, I may show the last snippet of his birth. It won't be graphic, since we had the video camera set up on a tripod across the room, but you'll definitely hear all the commotion I made. :P
YAY!!! Welcome little man! Can't wait to meet you!
Your birth story is amazing~
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