Monday, February 23, 2009

38 Weeks

I had my 38 week prenatal appointment today and was very curious to see if there was any further progress since last week, especially since I spent about 3-4 hours at Wal-Mart yesterday and was contracting fairly regularly. But, if 'history repeats itself' with this pregnancy, I was destined to have made no progress since last week.

I was so surprised when she told me I was 3 centimeters dilated and about 80% effaced! And while she was in there, she seemed awfully rough, and if I didn't know better, she did some form of 'sweeping my membranes' WITHOUT MY CONSENT! Of course, I can't say for sure that she did, but it hurt like a son-of-a-bitch whatever she did - she was all pokey and diggy and I have no idea why. She said the bag of waters was right there, ready to go, and I just needed some contractions to go along with it. Ever since that moment, I've been contracting very regularly, anywhere between 3 and 15 minutes, average seems to be about 5-7 minutes. They come fairly consistently no matter if I'm up walking or sitting.

And that's about all I have to say. I don't want to jinx anything or make myself stall. We're nesting, just in case this is it, and I called my boss earlier today to let her know why I might not be back to work tomorrow.

Of course, if this is it, I'll make an update as soon as he is born, complete with pictures. :)

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