Saturday, July 31, 2010

The rooster must have read my Facebook page because he didn't wake me up until 7:00 this morning. ;-) Much better than 5:30!

Friday, July 30, 2010

Okay Mr. Rooster, I know it's kinda just what you do, but can I please sleep in tomorrow? Your alarm clock capabilities are impeccable, no doubt about it.

Sunday, July 18, 2010

Lorelai says she has a friend named Mammal Hairy. LOL!

Friday, July 16, 2010

Meeting a friend for dinner with three kids in tow makes it very hard to have an uninterrupted conversation... spilled drinks, potty trips, & kids interrupting.

Monday, July 05, 2010

Yum, Yum!

Grandma and Grandpa Priest are visiting for a few days (they are now living in NC!!!), so we grilled some ribs... Mmmm-Mmmm-Good! And so messy!

Oink, Oink! :-)

Grandma Priest

Grandpa Priest

Oink, Oink! :-)

"No! Don't take my picture!"

Trying her hardest not to get food stuck in her braces. :-)

Cousin Darby is camera shy!

Snacking on peanuts

Angel's fake smile

My best imitation of Angel's fake smile

Felicity's fake smile! LOL

Saturday, July 03, 2010

Independence Day Eve

We bought all the kids new sunglasses, so the next few (ha!) pictures are mainly of them sporting their new accessories (and possibly making funny faces):

This picture reminds me of Katie Holmes (the actress)

"Are you done taking my picture yet?"

One of my favorites of Felicity

They match!

Too cute!

Excuse me?

The top chicken - it's so interesting to see the pecking order!

We're down to seven - we've been robbed by other wild animals (hawk, cat, dog, raccoon, fox - take your pick)

The kids enjoying the fireworks... I know this and some of the following pictures are 'blurry' but I didn't want the flash to wash everyone out, and I don't have a tripod, so I did the best I could for nighttime exposure. It looks kind of cool if you ask me. :-)

Helping Daddy pick some fireworks

She was being a ham tonight... so many funny faces!

Where she got this expression, I don't know! LOL!

So beautiful

Happy Fourth of July!

Lorelai wants Daddy to clean the 'aller-jesus' (algae) out of the fish tank.

Friday, July 02, 2010

Shane Worked His Camera Magic

I'm usually the one taking the pictures, but on this day, Shane took the camera for a spin... I love so many of these! As is often the case, I cannot just pick a few, so I'm uploading A LOT...

Always posing!

Beautiful blue eyes...

Beautiful brown eyes

Adorable, messy boy!


She insisted on a picture with Barbie

Goof ball

Her blue eyes really pop out in this one

True laughter...

Another goof ball

One of my favorites of Lorelai


Sisterly love!

Felicity loves finding chicken feathers

Another picture of the adorable, messy boy! :-)