Friday, July 24, 2009

Friday Came Early Today

The girls woke up at an unusual hour this morning - FIVE O'CLOCK!


I have no idea what is up with that, aside from the fact that Chuck brought them downstairs instead of coaxing them back to sleep. When they wake up THAT early, there is no way they are actually ready to be up for the day - something woke them up and if you soothe them they will go back to sleep. Silly Grandpa. So, they came into the bed with us, five people snuggling all together. :) It was cute, except I knew the inevitable would happen - they'd wake Lathel. While he was still sleeping, I just cuddled next to Lorelai and she started rubbing my face, tucking my hair behind my ear, rubbing my head, putting her hand on my shoulder... it was so sweet. Felicity was drifting in and out of sleep, but I rubbed her head and her back every so often. When Shane's alarm went off, Felicity perked up and started talking (exclaiming in excitement that Daddy was awake!) and that's when Lathel woke up.

Usually when I leave the house to go to work, all is quiet and EVERYONE is sleeping. This morning, everyone was wide awake. LOL. When I spoke to mom a bit ago, she said Lathel passed out on his own while watching Shrek with the girls. It will likely be an early nap day for Lorelai and Felicity.

And while I'm on the subject, let me just catch up on some of the new things the girls are saying/doing:

Felicity can provide a lifetime of smiles. I swear that girl is just too cute for words and too cute for her own good! Last week I mentioned that she'd been saying, "Can you hear me now?" and covering her ears. Well, this week, she alternates between that and, "Can you see me now?" as she covers her eyes. It's a cute game where the answer is usually, "No," but sometimes, "Yes." And whenever she sees someone with wet hair, clean clothes, or a towel, her first response is, "Showa?" Potty training took a back seat for the past few months (likely because of Lathel's arrival), but she has been showing increased interest in the toilet again this week, so let's keep our fingers crossed that she keeps up with it and makes progress!

Lorelai is really taking to learning how to swim. The lessons we've had on Saturdays are mostly fun, I think, being that they're only 30 minutes long. It seems the stuff she 'learns' really doesn't kick in until a few days later when she's playing around in the kiddie pool. Like last night, she couldn't wait for Mommy & Daddy to get home so she could show us what she was now doing! I just figured she was going to do a quick dunk of her head, but was I ever surprised when she got right under the water, opened her eyes, and kicked and paddled to the other end (as if our kiddie pool is Olympic sized), all WITHOUT swallowing or gagging on water! She was underwater for a good 3-5 seconds! And she kept doing it and doing it and doing it, so proud of herself. I think she's got it!!! Now I REALLY can't wait for tomorrow's lesson, to see if she is a brave girl and tries to do it in the big, big, big pool.

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