Hanging out on Daddy's shoulders while he washes some dishes! Too cute!

All the munchkins... climbing on Daddy's ladder. I love how Lorelai is holding one of the hens!

I know most of these look the same, but I see little things that make each picture different and special - hopefully you do, too! ;-)

Little man is trying to get up there to his sisters!

Ooooh, look what we have here...

We were trying to straigten up the yard and came across this fella. We wanted to get him out of there so we didn't hurt him while moving those pieces of metal...

He didn't look that long all curled up!

I just thought this picture was pretty neat.

Bye-bye! You can see his tongue in this picture.

Completely random, I know... but I found this mug hanging in the middle of the rose bush. Funny kids!

The semi-finished chicken coop! It is by no means the Taj Mahal, but it's functional. We are actually going to name it the 'Taj Mahal.' ;-)

Riding on the lawn mower with Daddy. :-)

Lorelai is our 'Chicken Whisperer' - she likes to swing with the chickens and discovered that if she swings long enough, they fall asleep!

She's so proud of herself!

Oooops! Someone walked by and made some noise... and the chicken woke up. Not too long after this, the chicken fell asleep and then pooped in the swing. I often wondered if they pooped in their sleep (the piles that accumulate during the night are astounding!), so I guess there's my answer! LOL.