Thursday, August 27, 2009

Having Fun With Daddy

They love riding around like this!

Wednesday, August 26, 2009


I believe their mouths were full of food... sometimes these two kiddos look like orphans! It's almost a full-time job just trying to keep their hair clean and out of their faces.

Sunday, August 23, 2009

Wednesday, August 19, 2009

Sunday, August 16, 2009

Monday, August 10, 2009

Tuesday, August 04, 2009

Bad Boys, Bad Boys...

On Sunday afternoon, the girls asked to take a bath, and since it's always a good opportunity for me to fold clothes or do a load of laundry, I said, "Sure!"

They finished with their bath and sat in their panties on our bed (as if they wear clothes any other time of the day?). Lorelai was playing with the pieces to 'Mastermind' and Felicity had crayons and a coloring book. They were just chattering to each other, when I heard:

Lorelai: "Bad boys, bad boys, whatchu gonna do?"
Felicity: "Bad boy, bad boy, atchu gon do?"

Listen to Lorelai & Felicity singing

Yes, it's the theme song to Cops, and my kids were singing it, Felicity naturally copying Lorelai. Obviously, Lorelai made up some of her own lyrics! And Felicity is just too cute. (Lorelai sings at the beginning and the end, while Felicity is the middle two.)

And then, the next random thing I heard:

Lorelai: "Cheeseburger."
Felicity: "Cheeburger."
Lorelai: "Cheesebooger."
Felicity: "Cheeburger."
Lorelai: "Hey mommy, did you know if you say Cheeseburger, it sounds like Cheese booger?"

And with that she giggled.