In May we moved into our new house and we STILL have plenty of boxes to unpack. On July 4th we discovered we are expecting Baby #3! The due date is March 7th, so we're keeping our fingers crossed for March 3rd, since that is Aunt Mandy's birthday. Sorry Almitra, but I'm not likely to go 10 days past my due date... :) We find out the sex the first week of October, so if I don't find the time to update between now and then, that will definitely be the next entry!
Upon discovery of the pregnancy, it was quickly decided that the Nissan Sentra wouldn't cut it, so we sold it that same month. Two days later, we bought a minivan. Now we have plenty of room for Child #3, Child #4, and Child #5. ;) If we get past 5, we may have to buy a bus! The minivan is suiting us just fine and no offense to the Sentra, but oh my gosh, I didn't realize what we were missing!!! It was so nice to go to BJ's today and fold the back seats into the floor to make room for the loot. I Love, Love, Love it.
The pregnancy thing has really been kicking my butt this time around, and the fatigue and nausea seem to be worse than I've experienced in the past. Otherwise, things have been great, just busy, busy, busy.
Since I haven't really had much of an opportunity to stay up-to-date with photos lately, I'll leave you with several we took today. Gosh, these girls are growing up so fast. Sometimes I look at the young lady Lorelai has already become and I try to picture her 20 years in the future. I can almost see it, but it's so hard... I don't know if I want them to EVER grow up!
Felicity L-O-V-E-S the John Deere!
Every time I asked her if she wanted to get down, she'd put her head down on the steering wheel - a definite NO.
Such wonderful sisters - perfect playmates!
Lorelai L-O-V-E-S to pester Moto.
Shane has not been feeling well the past few days and it shows. :(
(This photo was actually taken by Lorelai)
I told you this kid L-O-V-E-S the John Deere! She's lounging, about to pass out!
You can see a little 10-week baby bump. :)