We went to Felicity's 6-month well-baby appointment yesterday, so I'm armed with new growth data!!
She's 16 pounds (she's doubled her birth weight) and is 26.75 inches. It is SO strange having one child with average growth and another with petite growth. LOL. Felicity is actually wearing some of Lorelai's pajamas to bed! They're a little roomy in the length, but the shirt fits around her torso with almost no bagginess.
She was such a big girl when it came time for her vaccinations! She cried for the first 10 seconds or so, especially after the shock of the sting of the needle... but after that, she didn't make another peep. I distracted her immediately and she was fine - no residual crying or whimpering. I remember Lorelai used to cry for about 10 minutes after her shots. Oh how different siblings can be!
A funny thing happened while we were at the pediatrician's office yesterday. You know how the examination table usually has the white tissue on it? Well, apparently the drug companies come up with new ways of advertising their drugs, and the new tissue is lime green with the Zyrtec (I think, it might have been something else) logo all over it. I was holding Felicity and trying to keep the paper out of her hands (and mouth), but I looked away for maybe 5 seconds to answer a question Dr. Smith was asking, and when I turned back, I could see Felicity had gotten some of the tissue paper in her mouth. I grabbed the majority of it, but I could tell by the way she was moving her mouth that there was probably some that had already gone down. She kind of gagged as if it tickled on the way down. LOL. Then, this morning when my mom was changing Felicity's diaper, she said, "Oh wow, there's something lime green in her diaper." LOL. I knew exactly what it was. That puts her digestion at about 12 hours, from start to finish. :)
Ok, now for Felicity's and Lorelai's growth charts: