Just typing and sending a quick E-mail to all my family and friends! (Pardon the dust - mommy and daddy apparently haven't dusted in quite some time... tsk-tsk-tsk!)
Lorelai was having so much fun playing with Shane that I couldn't resist taking a bunch of pictures...
This picture didn't turn out like I expected, but even still, there's something about it that I think is so cute!
Wednesday, March 29, 2006
Practicing my crawling, while enjoying the lovely weather...
I'm almost there!
Mommy's favorite
Daddy likes this picture
Another one of mommy's favorites
What? You mean we really have to go inside now?
Monday, March 27, 2006
Mommy and Daddy let me 'air dry' before bedtime, and I rolled/scooted/crawled around the nursery floor.
Gosh I was having so much fun! (I also left a little pee spot for Mommy to clean up)
Sunday, March 26, 2006
This is what I look like when Daddy is in control of the spoon...
Those were some yummy strawberries...
Ohhh, nice camera! Take a picture of the strawberries in my nose!
Mommy says I look like my Daddy in this picture... also note the strawberry residue on my arm. One other thing... is that camera edible?
Those strawberries gave me a sugar buzz...
Monday, March 20, 2006
My mohawk - made possible by a little bit of sweet potato residue. :) (She LOVES sweet potatoes! So far, it's her favorite food.)
Playing with my toys
My little feet
My little fingers
Mommy propped me against the wall and I stood with no problems... it made me so happy and excited! I'm such a big girl!