I started feeling contractions around 9:00 a.m. on Sunday, September 25 and I believe I lost my mucous plug earlier that morning. The contractions were coming about every 10 to 20 minutes, kind of inconsistent. By 3:00, when we all (Shane, Mom, Angel and myself) went to the park to walk and feed the ducks, I was having contractions about every 10 minutes, more consistently.
When we got back, I decided to get things ready 'just in case'. I began timing the contractions and at 5:00, they were coming anywhere from 4 to 7 minutes apart. I called my doctor, but got the answering service since it was a Sunday. Dr. Moody called me back and told me to come to the hospital to see if it was the real thing.
Once I arrived, she examined me (I was 3cm dilated and about 60% effaced) and they monitored the contractions for a bit. They confirmed that my contractions were strong and consistent and it was the real thing. At around 6:00, I called my mom and let her know they were keeping me. This was it!
After letting me sit for a bit, Dr. Moody examined me again, but there wasn't much progress from a few hours before, so she decided to break my water to get things moving along. My mom and Angelica got to the hospital at around 8:15. By about 9:00, I wanted to get into the Jacuzzi, and that's where I found my 'zone'. I vomited a few times, and then had to pee. I didn't want to get out of the water because the contractions were making me weak and nauseous, so I asked if I could just pee in the tub. The nurse said that I could, but they'd have to drain and refill the tub. They kept asking me what I wanted to do, but I couldn't make up my mind, so I just said I'd think about it. I never got to think about it because I got the overwhelming urge to push. It was about 10:00, and Shane went to get the nurse because there was some bloody show. Something was definitely happening!
I think the nurse was somewhat puzzled at my urge to push, so she got me out of the tub and Dr. Moody happened to come in right about then to check me. She told me I was a 'full 8, almost 9'!!! ALL of us were totally floored! Even the doctor was surprised. I had gone from a 3 to 9 in only 2 hours! So, by 10:20ish, I was really feeling the urge to push and the nurse was able to check me in between these urges and found that I was 'complete'. I was now OK to push. With every contraction, I pushed in three spurts, and little Lorelai was born at 11:02 p.m., weighing 6 lbs, 14 oz. and measuring 19 1/2 inches long. All total, I think it was maybe 6 or seven pushes, if that.
No medication, no epidural, nothing. It wasn't as hard as I feared it would be. My body definitely took care of me and I'm so thankful and proud that I was able to bring Lorelai into the world without the use of any sort of drugs or medication. She came out all natural, without any of the side-effects of pain-killing drugs.
And I must say that I couldn't have done it without Shane. He was my backbone and emotional support. Granted, neither one of us said much because I stayed very quiet throughout all of the hard stuff, but he was loving and gentle and his touch and caresses made everything better. I Love You Shane!

Lorelai was born on September 25, 2005 at 11:02 p.m.

Breastfeeding, minutes after Lorelai was born.

Getting her head washed by the nurse and obviously not thrilled about it...

The day after... marvelling that it's all over and she's finally here!

Sleepy baby

Trying to wake Lorelai for a feeding, and it wasn't working!

Lounging around, waiting to leave the hospital