Sunday, May 27, 2007

A Day in the Life

Recently, a friend did a 'Day in the Life' entry and I thought it was quite fascinating to get a glimpse into someone else's life via photos taken throughout the course of an entire day.

Here is my attempt:

Felicity, asleep in the sling after a filling breastmilk breakfast

Angelica, feeding the fish their breakfast

Lorelai, and her marvelous bedhead

Dressed and ready to face the day...

Daddy still sleeping, not quite ready to face the day

Lorelai throwing a mini-tantrum because I wasn't making her breakfast fast enough... Sheesh!

Washing her hands in the sink

I guess it's time to tackle some laundry?

Lorelai checking out Daddy's tile cutting mess on the back deck (we're 'upgrading' the master bath with tile flooring)...

Gas = discomfort = inconsolable baby = a lot of crying = passed out from fatigue

Daddy cutting tile

More tile

Off to a BBQ

Enjoying the ride

It's been a rather stressful afternoon, and I think it's written all over our faces...

Trying to lighten the mood with smiles

Lucky for us, she seems to be out of gas.. no more crying (yet!)

Doesn't make us any less tired, though...

This is supposed to be cool?

Lorelai warming up to a little girl from the BBQ

Running around the yard with Daddy

On the way home, the crying starts again. At least she was good while we were out!

Settling down to watch Happy Feet...
(can we get some happy feet to come in here and clean this living room?)

Daddy and Lorelai snuggling on the couch watching the movie

Felicity, content in the swing (RARE!)

Tummy time

And then it was bedtime for everyone else... I stayed up to do this entry.

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